
July 25, 2013

Etsy Success Story: Mother of Three Turns Fashion Dream into Reality

Starting out on Etsy, Alicia put her headbands in the public with the support of her husband, leading to owning her own online shop that has expanded far past its hair accessory roots.

For a lot of mothers, trying to balance three kids and keeping a home is more than enough to try to schedule throughout the day. For Alicia, it was just the beginning. With the support of her husband and wonderful kids, Alicia has been able to turn creating a few headbands for a clothing boutique into its own online store.

Alicia is definitely a woman of her craft. On her site, she glows about the intricacies of textiles, beaming about her love for creating fashion without adhering to trends, and offers pieces of fashion unlike any competitor. The unique style of Three Bird Nest is inspired by women who love making a statement without screaming it out. Her styles are not audience targeted, but rather the outcome of putting her passion for style into handmade pieces at affordable prices.

But Alicia’s life isn’t fashion; it’s her family. In the “About” page on her store’s site, there is a photograph of her beautiful family next to the inspiring story of how the headbands she made simply because she loved making them turned into her livelihood. Whenever she talks about her success, the story always goes back to how supportive her husband has been, and how much she loves her three children (who even inspired the name of her store: Three Bird Nest).

The store still showcases her handmade pieces, thriving off of what started her out to begin with in her business: the headbands. Since selling out the first day she put the headbands on the market, Alicia has expanded into jewelry, stylish clothing, boot socks, scarves, and many more items that complement the style of what first caught the eye of her customers and supporters, all of which can be found on her website:

It's not every day that an Etsy merchant expands their craft into a full-blown e-commerce site, let alone such a popular one as Three Bird Nest, which is what makes Alicia's endeavors a true success story and inspiration to small business owners 

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